Site Under Construction: Updated information will be available soon.

Antelope Creek Fish Passage

Project anticipated spring 2011 start was delayed due to permitting issues. Work began 8/29/2011, suspended for winter 2011/2012, competed 7/2/2012. Work completed within the modified contract time.

Job Number:



US Fish & Wildlife Service

Owner Contact:

Questa Engineering Corporation – Sydney Temple

Owner Phone:

(510) 236-6114

Start Date:


Completion Date:


Contract Value:


Project Overview:

Construct Steel Bridge over Antelope Creek (Subcontractor)

Final Amount:


Contract Number:

Grant #81330-8-G263 etal.

Change Comments:

Increase in labor cost due to permitting delays.

Award Date:


Performance Comments:

Project anticipated spring 2011 start was delayed due to permitting issues. Work began 8/29/2011, suspended for winter 2011/2012, competed 7/2/2012. Work completed within the modified contract time.